Who is called as Father of Computers? Charles Babbage The first Digital Computer introduced, was named as? Mark-I How many generations, computer can be classified? 5 First Generation Computers contain? Vacuum Tubes II Generation Computers are made of? Transistors IV Generation Computers contain? LSI Vth Generation Computers are based on? Artificial Intelligence Computers, combine both measuring and counting, are called? Hybrid In world today, most of the computers are? Digital In any computer installation, how many elements consist? 3 Physical structure of computer is called? Hardware CPU stands for? Central Processing Unit In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals? Digital computer Which of the following is available in the form of a PC now? Microcomputer PARAM is an example of? Super computer Who developed the analytical engine? Charles Babbage GUI stands for? Gra...
List of Most Repeated NTS Test MCQs with Answers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzfALA1EMHU Most Repeated 100 Islamiyat MCQs Part B FPSC PPSC NTS OTS PTS ITS CTS CTSP PAK NAVY, ARMY, PAF Charge on Neutron? ( Neutral) Current flow means? ( Flow of electron) What is freezing point of Water? (0 C) When Muslim league comes into being? ( 1906) The first president of Pakistan Muslim League? Khaliquzzaman (1949) Which melts at room temperature? Mercury Who is the chairman of Senate of Pakistan? Sadiq Sanjrani What is Soap? Salt What type of gas in the electric bulb? (Argon, neon etc) Who is Saudia King? Salman Who put martial law in 1977? Zia ul Haq Who abrogated constitution in 1958 and put martial law? Sikandar Mirza Who is chancellor of Germany? Angela Markel Second prime minister of Pakistan? Nazim uddin Evolution means? Continuous Zamzam means? Stop flowing After one unit in 1955 ...